These are the things to keep in mind, when thinking about planting violas, whether for beauty or to use practically.
1. You can sow the seeds of violas with moist soil in early spring, as soon as the soil can be worked.
2. Plant in a sunny to partially shady location.
3. You can even plant the seeds in the fall, for early spring blooms.
4. For earliest blooms, start planting seeds indoors 8-12 weeks before the last frost date in your area. Check your zone to find out when that is.
5. If sowing seeds indoors, put them in a cool, dark location until germination occurs.
6. You can transplant the seedlings outdoors after danger of heavy frosts have passed.
7. Seeds germinate usually in 10-20 days.
8. Plant seeds only 1/8 inch deep, and space out your plants 6-9 inches apart.
9. They can grow from 6-12 inches tall.
10. Violas are a perennial.